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المواضيع الأخيرة
عملية تصحيح النظرالخميس 20 أبريل - 21:39Admin
علاج القرنية المخروطيةالخميس 20 أبريل - 20:58Admin
هل يمكنك صيانة سيارتك بنفسك؟الخميس 30 سبتمبر - 15:05Admin
سبتمبر 2024


اذهب الى الأسفل
سناء محمد
المساهمات : 36
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/11/2020

Classical Arabic Course Empty Classical Arabic Course

الأربعاء 5 مايو - 15:35
Many non-Arab Muslims face real problems in their daily life, as they need to do their prayers, recite Quran, and understand different aspects of Islam through the use of Arabic language. This led them to seek a Classical Arabic Course in order to learn the basics of this language.

Why should you learn Arabic?
Arabic is a highly demanded language being the native language of most countries within the middle east, added to being the basic language of Quran and Hadith, the foundations of Islam.
This means that you need to Arabic alphabet course in order to fully understand the Islamic religion.

How long does it take to learn Arabic?
Actually, it depends totally on you, and how you will understand and apply what you have learnt. To be realistic, it takes some time to learn any new language, and the estimated duration to learn Arabic extends from six to eighteen months.

What are the steps of learning Arabic?
In order to learn Arabic, you should set SMART goals to achieve what you want to and discuss these goals  with your tutor. It’s better to find a professional tutor rather than watching videos on different channels to avoid getting lost in hundreds of videos, the steps you should take includes:

Take your time and never stress yourself, Arabic is a complex language and needs a deep understanding.
Learn Arabic alphabets, and know how to read, write and pronounce them.
Learn words and sounds.
Practice reading; like to read press releases or the holy Quran.
Listen, you should listen to classic Arabic talkers in news or documentaries, or listen to the Quran in order to learn how the words are pronounced.
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